Summary of Search Results Related to 防止早洩 早漏 的訓練

1. **早發性射精:** Defined by the "精神障碍诊断与统计手册" as a pattern of ejaculation during sexual intercourse where ejaculation occurs within 1 minute of vaginal penetration. Diagnosis criteria from DSM-5 are outlined.

2. **早泄怎么办?6个方法来改善:** Various methods to address premature ejaculation are discussed, including techniques for self-control during ejaculation to delay the climax for improving control.

3. **早洩不是病! 3分鐘到2小時的持久訓練法:** Training methods to overcome premature ejaculation are explained, focusing on training processes that individuals can incorporate into their daily routines.

4. **[] 一部分關鍵詞以及服飾顏色未翻譯:** An issue raised regarding the localization of certain terms, including clothing colors and terms related to body organs and animals.

5. **早洩 | 尼斯診所 |:** Information about treatments for premature ejaculation, including surgical and non-invasive options like selective neurotomy of the dorsal penile nerve and hyaluronic acid injections to reduce sensitivity in the glans.

# Detailed Answer for the Article on Male Health for Taiwan Readers:

*標題: 防止早洩 早漏的訓練宿舍*


- **自我訓練控制:** 進行自身的射精控制訓練,包括在快要射精時停止刺激性的動作,並練習控制忍耐,以延遲高潮的到來。

- **安全套使用:** 選擇具有延遲射精效果的安全套,有助於延長性行為時間,例如加入麻醉劑液體或药物乳膏的安全套。

- **醫療治療選擇:** 對於需要進一步專業治療的患者,可以考慮手術選項,如陰莖背神經選擇性顯微截斷手術,或者注射玻尿酸以降低龜頭敏感度。


