Understanding the Search Results

The search results provide information related to "經尿道攝護腺切除手術" (Transurethral resection of the prostate) in the context of Taiwanese male health. The search results include details about the procedure, indications for the surgery, postoperative care, and other relevant information.

## Summarizing the Content for the Article
Based on the search results, the article on "經尿道攝護腺切除手術" can cover the following essential points:
1. The procedure involves inserting a scope through the urethra to remove prostate tissue that is causing urinary obstruction.
2. Indications for the surgery include persistent urinary obstruction despite medication, leading to complications such as kidney swelling, recurrent urinary retention, and blood in the urine.
3. Preoperative preparations, including the requirement to refrain from eating and drinking before the surgery and obtaining informed consent.
4. Postoperative care, including monitoring for urinary retention, pain, fever, and potential complications such as lymph node involvement.

# Article on 經尿道攝護腺切除手術 for Taiwanese Male Health

## 注意:本篇文章旨在提供有關「經尿道攝護腺切除手術」的相關資訊,並對相關術語進行了台灣化,以符合台灣讀者的需求。






